Apparently a long running suspicion of mine has been proven true. We live in a nation populated by millions of morons ... or at the very least a couple hundred thousand really loud morons. The proof to this theory came when Arizona passed a law that made it illegal to be a illegal immigrant. If that does not sound utterly moronic and redundant to you please don’t read the rest of this, we’re going to be discussing things that you won’t understand. Grown folks stuff.
Since the dawn of the nation state borders have been contested and defended against all types of invasion. If you do not believe me ... um, read anything and you will see what I mean. Fact number two, there is no nation on earth that allows completely unlimited emigration (and no that is not a spelling error, it is the opposite of immigration) to their nation. Fact three, there is no nation on earth that allows unlimited importation into their nation. So in summary, it is universally accepted that nations may set limits as they please on both people and products entering their borders. Oh, and if you want to say that Europe allows free movement of people and goods between nations I will point out that they have basically created a nation of many states, a concept that should be familiar to you if you live in the United States of America. While things and people can freely move from Italy to Germany or from Alabama to Mississippi none of the four extend the same courtesy to Uganda.
So the outcry inspired by the Arizona law is that it is inherently racist. Racist. I did not realize that entering a country illegally against their laws was a race. I once lived in Germany and had a 14 month student visa. As the 14 months was coming to a close I made some inquiries as to whether or not I could stay and live and study and work in Germany. I was told by both the American and German authorities that I could do no such thing and that if I desired to do so that I would have to return to the United States at the end of my 14 months and submit a request to return to the German government as their immigration law states. Is that racist? I was told after suggesting that I might just stay anyway that if I was caught I would be deported and never again allowed a visa to enter Germany.
The new law requires police to determine whether a person is in the United States legally. It also requires immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times and requires police to question people if there is reason to suspect they're in the United States illegally. Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon appeared at the rally in support of the protest, calling the law unconstitutional and "just plain wrong. America is a country that is compassionate and that welcomes everyone," he said. "This is not what this country and this state was founded upon."
The following is a very brief time line of American Immigration Law:
1819: The first federal legislation on immigration requires notation of passenger lists.
1875: First limitations on immigration. Residency permits required of Asians.
1891: The Bureau of Immigration is established. Congress adds health qualifications to immigration restrictions.
1906: Bureau of Immigration is established.
1921: The first quantitave immigration law sets temporary annual quotas according to nationality. Immigration drops off.
1924: The National Origins Act establishes a quota system. The Border Patrol is established.
1940: The Alien Registration Act calls for registration and fingerprinting of all aliens. Approximately 5 million aliens register.
1952: The Immigration and Naturalization Act brings into one comprehensive statute the multiple laws that govern immigration and naturalization to date.
To claim that restricting immigration is unconstitutional is ignorant because the constitution does not address the issue. Requiring legal aliens have proof that they are legal is common sense (in Germany I was required to have documentation that I was an American studying in the country) the only change to the existing law is that the local police are now to required to check, if they have probable cause, when in the past it was the sole responsibility of the ICE (formerly INS). This is a non-issue. Either you have a legal right to be in this nation or you do not. If you do not and you are caught you should be deported (just like every other nation on earth), if you are here legally and not a citizen of our nation, you are our guest and are given documentation to prove that we have extended legal status to you. That someone might ask to see the document that affords you the right to come to the United States and live/work/study is not insulting. Simply show the police officer your documentation. In the age of computers in police cars connected to large databases citizens can simply give the officer their social security number and a brief check will show the truth of your citizenship. Simple. The legislature and governor of Arizona have determined illegal immigration to be a problem in their state and have taken steps to address the issue. If you live in one of the other 49 states the ICE will continue enforcing immigration law, this is not your fight, nor does it effect you.
To claim that the founders had not taken issue with immigration is also ignorant. James Monroe was President when the first immigration law was passed. The same James Monroe who fought in the revolution and studied law under the tutilage of Thomas Jefferson and then sat in the Virginia delegation that eventually ratified the Constitution. You can’t get much more “founder” than that.
Restrictions to immigration, right are wrong, are law. Breaking the law is illegal. The police are charged with finding law breakers. People who break the law are punished. Illegal immigrants are deported when caught. I’m missing the racism. Is it racist that the majority of illegal immigrants in Arizona are from Mexico? No, it is not. There are millions of LEGAL Mexican immigrants in the United States. The issue at hand is legal and illegal immigrants, if a couple from France come to Arizona and stay illegally, they will be deported when caught. And I guarantee you that a significant portion of the law enforcement community in Arizona is of Hispanic/Latin decent simply as the natural consequence of decades of LEGAL immigration. So, if a Mexican-American police officer arrests an illegal Mexican immigrant is he racist?
And for the record, I am sure that the out cry from the Democrat Party has nothing to do with their plan to pass a bill offering amnesty to all illegal immigrants currently in the United States prior to the November elections, I am completely positive that they are concerned for the poor immigrants and in no way were counting on all those extra votes to propel them to victory in said elections. Furthermore I am sure that their upcoming effort to restore voting rights to felons is also unrelated to the upcoming elections. I mean, I want felons and illegal foreigners voting and helping to decide the direction of our Nation, don’t you?
Monday, April 26, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Sedition and Tyranny
Today I’m going to take you back in time ... so hop in the Delorian and let’s get going. It’s December 15th 1791 and these amendments were just ratified, the “Bill of Rights” was added to the constitution because the states refused to join into a union that did not protect state sovereignty and personal liberty. The leaders of 1791 had fresh memories of the abuses laid upon them by England, abuses that their friends had died to end. Each of the 10 amendments that make up the “Bill of Rights” address an actual concern, this is not political theory, the English had done these things and they would only join a government that guaranteed it would never happen again.
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Forget a degree in law, all you need to interpret this is common sense and a shallow pool of historical knowledge, we’ll break it up. Section 1 says that the federal government can not establish a religion, it says this because the English government had their own religion and charged taxes to everyone, regardless of faith, to fund it. Section 2 say the government cannot stop you from practicing your faith, because ... you guessed it, the English government did not allow certain beliefs to be practiced (remember the pilgrims? They came here, risking life and limb to be able to practice their faith freely). Sections 3,4,5 say that you are permitted to say what you think, print and distribute what you think and assemble in peaceful groups to discuss what you please ... because under English rule speaking out against the government either verbally or in writing was a criminal offense and if a group gathered and was suspected to be discussing such things they would be arrested. Section 6 is self explanatory isn’t it (letter writing, calling your congressman, civil courts etc.).
It does not say that children may not pray in school, that people may not say “Merry Christmas”, it does not limit the freedoms of speech or the press to certain areas, it does not say that certain people may not assemble for certain reasons ... LIMITLESS FREEDOM in these areas is not a mistake, not an oversight, it does not need to be “fixed”. If someone says something that repulses you be glad that person suffers no consequences for it means that you too can speak your mind.
Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Short and sweet. The government cannot take away people’s guns, nor may they ban the carrying of those guns, furthermore armed people getting together and training for war is NECESSARY TO THE SECURITY OF A FREE STATE. Those militia groups everyone loves to hate and laugh at need not be restricted, but enlarged. A well armed, well trained, involved populace guarantees against dictatorship, and tyranny. They wrote it because when the English got wind of the coming rebellion they seized all the guns they could find and arrested militias when drilling. I know that guns have become unpopular, that patriotism has become unpopular, but in the same way we need the Armed Services to protect us, we need to exercise out true 2nd amendment right, not only arm ourselves, but also drill together.
Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Super simple, just because there is a numbered list in this document does not mean that these are all the rights of the people. We have unlisted rights.
Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
The great 10th amendment says that the only powers of the federal government are those listed and given to them in this constitution, no more. So the ninth and tenth together tell the story, the rights and powers of the people is open ended and possibly limitless and the rights and powers of government shall not exceed the specific list in this document.
This trip back in time was inspired by my friend Dan posting and article on Facebook, check out the link (HERE) and be sure to watch the clip where these pundits claim that criticizing the government is sedition, assembling is sedition and owning a gun is sedition. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS AND EXERCISE THEM! Don't let people tell you that we have none.
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Forget a degree in law, all you need to interpret this is common sense and a shallow pool of historical knowledge, we’ll break it up. Section 1 says that the federal government can not establish a religion, it says this because the English government had their own religion and charged taxes to everyone, regardless of faith, to fund it. Section 2 say the government cannot stop you from practicing your faith, because ... you guessed it, the English government did not allow certain beliefs to be practiced (remember the pilgrims? They came here, risking life and limb to be able to practice their faith freely). Sections 3,4,5 say that you are permitted to say what you think, print and distribute what you think and assemble in peaceful groups to discuss what you please ... because under English rule speaking out against the government either verbally or in writing was a criminal offense and if a group gathered and was suspected to be discussing such things they would be arrested. Section 6 is self explanatory isn’t it (letter writing, calling your congressman, civil courts etc.).
It does not say that children may not pray in school, that people may not say “Merry Christmas”, it does not limit the freedoms of speech or the press to certain areas, it does not say that certain people may not assemble for certain reasons ... LIMITLESS FREEDOM in these areas is not a mistake, not an oversight, it does not need to be “fixed”. If someone says something that repulses you be glad that person suffers no consequences for it means that you too can speak your mind.
Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Short and sweet. The government cannot take away people’s guns, nor may they ban the carrying of those guns, furthermore armed people getting together and training for war is NECESSARY TO THE SECURITY OF A FREE STATE. Those militia groups everyone loves to hate and laugh at need not be restricted, but enlarged. A well armed, well trained, involved populace guarantees against dictatorship, and tyranny. They wrote it because when the English got wind of the coming rebellion they seized all the guns they could find and arrested militias when drilling. I know that guns have become unpopular, that patriotism has become unpopular, but in the same way we need the Armed Services to protect us, we need to exercise out true 2nd amendment right, not only arm ourselves, but also drill together.
Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Super simple, just because there is a numbered list in this document does not mean that these are all the rights of the people. We have unlisted rights.
Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
The great 10th amendment says that the only powers of the federal government are those listed and given to them in this constitution, no more. So the ninth and tenth together tell the story, the rights and powers of the people is open ended and possibly limitless and the rights and powers of government shall not exceed the specific list in this document.
This trip back in time was inspired by my friend Dan posting and article on Facebook, check out the link (HERE) and be sure to watch the clip where these pundits claim that criticizing the government is sedition, assembling is sedition and owning a gun is sedition. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS AND EXERCISE THEM! Don't let people tell you that we have none.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Ode to an Icelandic Volcano
Oh Eyjafjallajokull glacier,
Your miles of pristine ice shine in the sun,
The glimmer of the untouched wilderness,
Sings out to my soul.
And then ...
Rumble ...
Oh Eyjafjallajokull volcano,
Your plume of smoke and ash blasted into the stratosphere,
The sun glimmers off grounded airliners,
The people sleeping in the terminal,
The train stations of Europe over flowing...
Oh Eyjafjallajokull volcano,
You have made Europe and island again,
Cut off from the world.
"Where will we get food?" they ask.
Where did they get food from before?
Does food grow in Europe?
Oh Eyjafjallajokull volcano,
You will make glorious farmers out of foreign travelers,
You will remand them all to a forgone age,
The age of "no airplanes" ... so long ago.
Your miles of pristine ice shine in the sun,
The glimmer of the untouched wilderness,
Sings out to my soul.
And then ...
Rumble ...
Oh Eyjafjallajokull volcano,
Your plume of smoke and ash blasted into the stratosphere,
The sun glimmers off grounded airliners,
The people sleeping in the terminal,
The train stations of Europe over flowing...
Oh Eyjafjallajokull volcano,
You have made Europe and island again,
Cut off from the world.
"Where will we get food?" they ask.
Where did they get food from before?
Does food grow in Europe?
Oh Eyjafjallajokull volcano,
You will make glorious farmers out of foreign travelers,
You will remand them all to a forgone age,
The age of "no airplanes" ... so long ago.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Nuclear Summit makes World Safer for "Confederate Heritage Month". awesome! Not!
Ok, here we go. It’s Tuesday (almost Wednesday) and we’re just getting to the Monday post and it’s going to be a short one. Here’s the lightning round;
President Obama held a nuclear arms summit where 47 nations sent representatives who all agreed that at some point, later on, in a few years, they will begin to reduce nuclear arms and secure their borders so that terrorists don’t get their hands on them. Of course there are no real details and there will be no enforcement, but they all agreed so the President today announced that the world is safer ... I know I feel all warm and fuzzy.
A woman adopted a Russian child that she found to be out of control once in the United States. So, what did she do? Did she realize that parenting is difficult and work through it with all the selflessness and love of a parent? Did she seek out help realizing that the emotional issues involved for this orphan are too great for her to handle alone? No ... she pulled the old “take the dog back to the pound in the middle of the night trick” and bought the kid a one way ticket to Russia and gave him a note to explain to the authorities there that he was too difficult for her and should be taken back to the orphanage. So the heartless recklessness of this woman has caused Russia to close adoptions to all American parents, way to go you witch! You have single handedly ruined the lives of countless children and potential parents!
A young girl with autism was lost in an alligator infested swamp for days and then found by a man who says that he prayed and God showed him where the girl was. Other than mild exposure and very wet feet, the girl was unharmed and returned to her parents. There was an organized search party that had no success. I would like to take this opportunity to thank God for guiding the man to save this poor defenseless girl. May it be a reminder to us all that when true crisis comes, praying to God with a thankful, open heart is still the best means of finding what you need.
And the governor of the Great Commonwealth of Virginia has declared that April will be “Confederate Heritage” month. He has declared this because his thought that actual suicide would be too messy, so one of his aides suggested political suicide. In response Pinko’s World has decided to declare April “John Brown Is My Hero Month”. How do you like me know confederates?
Ok, this is serious. Does the idea of Americans peaceably assembling (1st amendment) to discuss (1st amendment) their grievances against the government (1st amendment) scare you? If the things that matter to these Americans are an already large government expanding until the top button pops, deficit spending as if tomorrow will never come, printing currency as if no one notices, and ever increasing taxes, do they scare you now? They scare Jason Levin ... to death. He has decided that such activities must be stopped and so he has harnessed the internet to recruit people to go to April 15th tea party events to act stupid and discredit the group entirely. The following is a quote from the site “Whenever possible, we will act on behalf of the Tea Party ... to ... distance them from mainstream America and damage the public’s opinion of them. We will also use the inside information we have gained in order to disrupt and derail their plans.”Seriously? If what you say is true, that America does not believe in smaller government and lower taxes, if America really wants huge, all controlling government and all the insanity that has come out of Washington for the past 77 years then who cares what they have to say? If you are threatened by it then I guess you know in your heart that America will be swayed by them and their simple agenda, their honesty, their lack of political ambition, their justified mistrust of government. Mr. Levin, the governor of Virginia thanks you for being a bigger tool during a week he was a shoe in for “tool of the week”. And with that the award goes to ... envelope please ... Jason Levin, you are “Tool of the Week”!
Happy Wednesday!
President Obama held a nuclear arms summit where 47 nations sent representatives who all agreed that at some point, later on, in a few years, they will begin to reduce nuclear arms and secure their borders so that terrorists don’t get their hands on them. Of course there are no real details and there will be no enforcement, but they all agreed so the President today announced that the world is safer ... I know I feel all warm and fuzzy.
A woman adopted a Russian child that she found to be out of control once in the United States. So, what did she do? Did she realize that parenting is difficult and work through it with all the selflessness and love of a parent? Did she seek out help realizing that the emotional issues involved for this orphan are too great for her to handle alone? No ... she pulled the old “take the dog back to the pound in the middle of the night trick” and bought the kid a one way ticket to Russia and gave him a note to explain to the authorities there that he was too difficult for her and should be taken back to the orphanage. So the heartless recklessness of this woman has caused Russia to close adoptions to all American parents, way to go you witch! You have single handedly ruined the lives of countless children and potential parents!
A young girl with autism was lost in an alligator infested swamp for days and then found by a man who says that he prayed and God showed him where the girl was. Other than mild exposure and very wet feet, the girl was unharmed and returned to her parents. There was an organized search party that had no success. I would like to take this opportunity to thank God for guiding the man to save this poor defenseless girl. May it be a reminder to us all that when true crisis comes, praying to God with a thankful, open heart is still the best means of finding what you need.
And the governor of the Great Commonwealth of Virginia has declared that April will be “Confederate Heritage” month. He has declared this because his thought that actual suicide would be too messy, so one of his aides suggested political suicide. In response Pinko’s World has decided to declare April “John Brown Is My Hero Month”. How do you like me know confederates?
Ok, this is serious. Does the idea of Americans peaceably assembling (1st amendment) to discuss (1st amendment) their grievances against the government (1st amendment) scare you? If the things that matter to these Americans are an already large government expanding until the top button pops, deficit spending as if tomorrow will never come, printing currency as if no one notices, and ever increasing taxes, do they scare you now? They scare Jason Levin ... to death. He has decided that such activities must be stopped and so he has harnessed the internet to recruit people to go to April 15th tea party events to act stupid and discredit the group entirely. The following is a quote from the site “Whenever possible, we will act on behalf of the Tea Party ... to ... distance them from mainstream America and damage the public’s opinion of them. We will also use the inside information we have gained in order to disrupt and derail their plans.”Seriously? If what you say is true, that America does not believe in smaller government and lower taxes, if America really wants huge, all controlling government and all the insanity that has come out of Washington for the past 77 years then who cares what they have to say? If you are threatened by it then I guess you know in your heart that America will be swayed by them and their simple agenda, their honesty, their lack of political ambition, their justified mistrust of government. Mr. Levin, the governor of Virginia thanks you for being a bigger tool during a week he was a shoe in for “tool of the week”. And with that the award goes to ... envelope please ... Jason Levin, you are “Tool of the Week”!
Happy Wednesday!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Oh yeah, it's Crazy Wednesday!
OK, I know I always try to bring you my opinion disguised as news (I learned it from watching you NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, MSNBC, CNBC etc.), but this really is news. There is a country on earth called Kyrgyzstan. Seriously, I’m not kidding, it’s a real country. Today’s prize winner will be the person who can pronounce it. Try it, Kry-gyz-stan. So, who cares, you ask? Well they had a riot there today ... a riot that overthrew the government ... in about an hour. Wow, that’s a big riot ... or a really small government. So the whole thing is settled already, the protesters took the TV station and the security offices and gave the security office a new boss and announced that a lady named Rosa would be in charge for the next six months while they form a new constitution and have elections. They did this five years ago too, and the president they elected last time is hiding in a city called Osh (with a scarecrow, a lion and the tin man). The next ex-president, although not yet elected, has already made reservations at his post-riot hideaway for 5 years from now.
On to South African news. I was going to give you my opinion of this story, but I’ll just lay out the facts and see if you agree with me or not. Please tell me what you think in the comments section (if you don’t have a google account just pick anonymous and comment anyway). Quick history: South Africa was ruled by Apartheid, a system which allowed an all white government in a country has a super majority of blacks. To simplify, it was basically like the American south prior to the Civil war. Blacks were not given rights and systematically brutalized and kept in utter poverty. A group called the ANC was formed to fight this system and the whites formed a group called the AWB to violently oppose the ANC. Since 1994 the apartheid system is gone, but tensions remain. The AWB still exists and still fights (sometimes violently) for an all white republic. Which brings us to today. A man named Eugene Terreblanche was beaten to death by a 15 year old black boy while lying in his bed. The boy turned himself in and the police think that he did not act alone, as they found two murder weapons at the scene of the crime. The unnamed boy claims he murdered the man for his brutal treatment and because he refused to pay the boy for the work he did on Terreblance’s farm. So that’s all pretty cut and dry. Bad murderer, good farmer. Right? Except for this, Terreblance is an outspoken member of the AWB, active it seems, in all areas of their campaign, and if that weren’t enough he has been convicted in the past of attacking black farm hands, and served six years in prison for his brutality. And for icing on the cake, just last month a very popular ANC youth leader led a large group of students in a song that encouraged them to “kill the Boer (white farmer)”. Needless to say the AWB is blaming the ANC for the man’s death and ramping up hostilities in the wake of the slaying. All this ten weeks before the largest sporting even in the world, soccer’s World Cup, comes to Africa for the very first time as it is set to be held in South Africa ... good times. So, what do you think? Good farmer, bad murderer? Or, not.
And lastly, in adding insult to insult to insult news, Russian President and sometimes Prime Minister Vladimir Putin attended a memorial in Poland honoring the 22,000 Poles slaughtered by the Soviet secret police during the final stages of WWII. After the solemn ceremony was concluded Putin shook hands with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and then turned to the cameras. Putin went on to tell the press that Stalin had the Poles killed because he felt responsible for the 32,000 Red Army soldiers that were captured from his command and starved to death in Polish prisoner of war camps in 1920, and it was out of guilt and a sense of revenge that Stalin had the thousands of Poles executed. Forget forgiveness and healing, i love me some justification! Way to go Vlad!
Happy Wednesday!
On to South African news. I was going to give you my opinion of this story, but I’ll just lay out the facts and see if you agree with me or not. Please tell me what you think in the comments section (if you don’t have a google account just pick anonymous and comment anyway). Quick history: South Africa was ruled by Apartheid, a system which allowed an all white government in a country has a super majority of blacks. To simplify, it was basically like the American south prior to the Civil war. Blacks were not given rights and systematically brutalized and kept in utter poverty. A group called the ANC was formed to fight this system and the whites formed a group called the AWB to violently oppose the ANC. Since 1994 the apartheid system is gone, but tensions remain. The AWB still exists and still fights (sometimes violently) for an all white republic. Which brings us to today. A man named Eugene Terreblanche was beaten to death by a 15 year old black boy while lying in his bed. The boy turned himself in and the police think that he did not act alone, as they found two murder weapons at the scene of the crime. The unnamed boy claims he murdered the man for his brutal treatment and because he refused to pay the boy for the work he did on Terreblance’s farm. So that’s all pretty cut and dry. Bad murderer, good farmer. Right? Except for this, Terreblance is an outspoken member of the AWB, active it seems, in all areas of their campaign, and if that weren’t enough he has been convicted in the past of attacking black farm hands, and served six years in prison for his brutality. And for icing on the cake, just last month a very popular ANC youth leader led a large group of students in a song that encouraged them to “kill the Boer (white farmer)”. Needless to say the AWB is blaming the ANC for the man’s death and ramping up hostilities in the wake of the slaying. All this ten weeks before the largest sporting even in the world, soccer’s World Cup, comes to Africa for the very first time as it is set to be held in South Africa ... good times. So, what do you think? Good farmer, bad murderer? Or, not.
And lastly, in adding insult to insult to insult news, Russian President and sometimes Prime Minister Vladimir Putin attended a memorial in Poland honoring the 22,000 Poles slaughtered by the Soviet secret police during the final stages of WWII. After the solemn ceremony was concluded Putin shook hands with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and then turned to the cameras. Putin went on to tell the press that Stalin had the Poles killed because he felt responsible for the 32,000 Red Army soldiers that were captured from his command and starved to death in Polish prisoner of war camps in 1920, and it was out of guilt and a sense of revenge that Stalin had the thousands of Poles executed. Forget forgiveness and healing, i love me some justification! Way to go Vlad!
Happy Wednesday!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Dear Haiti, please text some money to Mexico, thanks.
Some of you might worry that getting your news from Pinko’s World is leaving you less informed that your friends who get there news for more “legitimate” sources. Well, here are the headlines from tonight 1) “Boy Short Panties Bring out Your Playful Side” 2) “Reinvent Your Space for Under $200" 3) “What’s the Hottest Lip Color this Spring”. I think you may be much better off getting your news from us. Well, unless you need to know about lip colors, then you may want the “legitimate” news.
Ok, I’m no end of the world theorist, but in the past few months there have been major earthquakes in Haiti, Chile, Turkey, Indonesia, Japan, Chile again, and now Mexico. That seems like a whole lot of shaking going on. I looked at global seismic data and learned that there are dozens of small earthquakes all over the world every day, but it sure seems like there have been more major quakes than normal. And Haiti got all the money. What number do I text to to send $10 to Indonesia? Mexico? Japan? Nope, Haiti got all the money, the lesson of which is that if you’re going to have a massive natural disaster be sure to go first, if your country get shaken to pieces right after Haiti, there is no help coming, there’s no money coming. You’re on your own.
In war news, militants exploded four bombs in quick succession Monday close to the U.S. Consulate in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar, police and witnesses said.Close isn’t really the right term to use here. The bombs were set up 20 feet outside the front door. Earlier Monday, at least 19 people were killed and more than 100 injured when a suicide bomber attacked a political party rally elsewhere in the northwest. Suicide attackers detonated three car bombs near embassies in Baghdad on Sunday, killing at least 38 people and wounding more than 200 in back-to-back bombings. Authorities said they foiled two other attacks aimed at diplomatic targets.The bombings came two days after a chilling execution-style attack by gunmen who raided homes south of Baghdad, killing 24 people, many of them believed to be anti-Al Qaeda fighters. So, while everything is “going great” and we’re winning the war, the war rages on and the innocent are killed. Mr. President bring the brave men and women of our armed forces home.
In “no one ever told me that” news, Israel performed air strikes on the southern region of Gaza, you know the usual. Targets included a refugee camp workshop and a cheese factory. According to an eyewitness, the cheese factory has been bombed before ... really? I guess Jews hate cheese, who knew? Ok, this is how complicated Israeli/Palestinian relations are. Israel starts building a neighborhood within their own country, Palestine objects because that’s where they want to live. Palestinians fire rockets at Israel in response which prompts Israel to scramble the fighters and bomb the cheese factory. Here’s where it’s all stupid. Israel was building inside Israel, it would be like the United States building a apartment complex in Michigan and the Canadians getting so mad that they fired rockets into the United States. The only good part is that the Hamas fighters are so bad at firing rockets that they didn’t actually hit Israel ... they all fell short of the border. Ok, Israel is a small country, but it is a COUNTRY, how bad are you at rockets that you can’t hit a nation with one? But Israel doesn’t want them thinking they got away with accidently bombing themselves so they called in the cheese factory air strike anyway. That’ll show them.
So, happy Monday to you all, and as a PS I would just like to mention that the value of the US Dollar dropped so far that today it is equal in value to the Canadian Dollar. I used to go to Canada and live it up for 4 days for about $200 US, we’re talking hotel, dinners out, drinks out ... the whole nine. Those days, it would seem, are over!
Ok, I’m no end of the world theorist, but in the past few months there have been major earthquakes in Haiti, Chile, Turkey, Indonesia, Japan, Chile again, and now Mexico. That seems like a whole lot of shaking going on. I looked at global seismic data and learned that there are dozens of small earthquakes all over the world every day, but it sure seems like there have been more major quakes than normal. And Haiti got all the money. What number do I text to to send $10 to Indonesia? Mexico? Japan? Nope, Haiti got all the money, the lesson of which is that if you’re going to have a massive natural disaster be sure to go first, if your country get shaken to pieces right after Haiti, there is no help coming, there’s no money coming. You’re on your own.
In war news, militants exploded four bombs in quick succession Monday close to the U.S. Consulate in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar, police and witnesses said.Close isn’t really the right term to use here. The bombs were set up 20 feet outside the front door. Earlier Monday, at least 19 people were killed and more than 100 injured when a suicide bomber attacked a political party rally elsewhere in the northwest. Suicide attackers detonated three car bombs near embassies in Baghdad on Sunday, killing at least 38 people and wounding more than 200 in back-to-back bombings. Authorities said they foiled two other attacks aimed at diplomatic targets.The bombings came two days after a chilling execution-style attack by gunmen who raided homes south of Baghdad, killing 24 people, many of them believed to be anti-Al Qaeda fighters. So, while everything is “going great” and we’re winning the war, the war rages on and the innocent are killed. Mr. President bring the brave men and women of our armed forces home.
In “no one ever told me that” news, Israel performed air strikes on the southern region of Gaza, you know the usual. Targets included a refugee camp workshop and a cheese factory. According to an eyewitness, the cheese factory has been bombed before ... really? I guess Jews hate cheese, who knew? Ok, this is how complicated Israeli/Palestinian relations are. Israel starts building a neighborhood within their own country, Palestine objects because that’s where they want to live. Palestinians fire rockets at Israel in response which prompts Israel to scramble the fighters and bomb the cheese factory. Here’s where it’s all stupid. Israel was building inside Israel, it would be like the United States building a apartment complex in Michigan and the Canadians getting so mad that they fired rockets into the United States. The only good part is that the Hamas fighters are so bad at firing rockets that they didn’t actually hit Israel ... they all fell short of the border. Ok, Israel is a small country, but it is a COUNTRY, how bad are you at rockets that you can’t hit a nation with one? But Israel doesn’t want them thinking they got away with accidently bombing themselves so they called in the cheese factory air strike anyway. That’ll show them.
So, happy Monday to you all, and as a PS I would just like to mention that the value of the US Dollar dropped so far that today it is equal in value to the Canadian Dollar. I used to go to Canada and live it up for 4 days for about $200 US, we’re talking hotel, dinners out, drinks out ... the whole nine. Those days, it would seem, are over!
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