Tonights post is brought to you by ... oh, never mind that let's get right to the correction. On December the 16th ... or maybe the 19th i said that when the "UN Security forces invade Yemen ..." I was totally wrong, i thought that this President was all about coalition building and gaining the support of the world, so i'm sorry, i was wrong. So, when WE invade Yemen it is going to be to "promote stability" and inforce the "rule of law". 10 days ago we fired some missles at some "al quaida" training camps where aparently they were training innocent women and children and then fast forward to Christmas ... a lunitic from Kenya tries to blow up a airline with 50 cc's of high explosive and manages to blow up his pants and catch himself on fire instead. Which is interesting at best ... right up till the spin begins. The man is rushed to the hospital with third degree burns and i guess he was in a really talkative mood because within 2 hours the news media is told that the man has told the investigators that the device he caried came from Yemen ... i'm sure that they didn't want to know who he was, where he came from, what group he was a part of ... i'm sure they had no questions about how he got the device on the plane ... no the very first question they had for the man who tried to blow up an american airliner was, "Where did you get this brilliant device that managed to burn your pants so well?" I mean whoever the master explosive expert that came up with this one needs top be stopped at all cost. If we have to invade Yemen and kill women and children, destroy some families and prop up a government that is so unpopular that 2 different rebel groups are at war with it at the same time, then i say so be it! Here are some of the headlines about the terrorist attack in Detroit on Christmas day.
Two law enforcement sources told NBC News that Abdulmutallab had recently spent at least a month with extremists in Yemen, but that it was not clear if those extremists were al-Qaida members or radicals inspired by al-Qaida
U.S. agencies are looking into whether al-Qaida extremists in Yemen directed Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and provided him with the explosives used in the failed bombing of Northwest Flight 253, senior administration officials tell NBC News.
Abdulmutallab had visited Yemen in the past few months, say officials. Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula is a Yemen-based offshoot of al-Qaida
U.S. Charges Suspect, Eyeing Link to Qaeda in Yemen
The man charged by the U.S. in an attempted attack on a jet told investigators that he obtained explosives from a bomb expert in Yemen associated with Al Qaeda in the Arabian Penninsula
I found those on December 26th, one day after the attack in obscure places like MSNBC, ABC news, the New York Times, i mean i really had to hunt ... one day later the headlines are all about Yemen, not Kenya (where the man was from) not security in Holland (where the plane came from) ... Yemen. The propaganda machine is in full swing getting your consent to start another war ... all we need is a shady border exchange of fire on the Polish frontier near a radio station (that's how Hitler justified the invasion of Poland). So i'm paranoid right? "Calm down Pinko, you're just saying that because it looks too convienient, sure the time line is crazy and that 30 day news blackout from the Yemeni war looks bad but there's a reasonable explanation." You're probably right, i mean it's not like they are tying every emotional news story to Yemen all of a sudden, it's not like they're suddenly making Yemen the center of the war on terror in any other way ... oh, wait. Remember Ft. Hood?
12/25/09-Reports claim that the controversial Muslim cleric who was contacted by the Fort Hood shooter before his killing spree has been killed in an anti-terror air strike.
A radical Muslim preacher linked by U.S. intelligence to a gunman who killed 13 people at a U.S. Army base is believed to have died in a Yemen airstrike on al Qaeda militants, a security official said on Thursday
12/26/09-A U.S.-born radical cleric is alive and well following reports he may have been killed in a Yemeni airstrike against suspected Al Qaeda hideouts, friends and relatives said Friday
Yemen caused the Ft. Hood shooting too, those BASTARDS! Oh and the American muslim cleric who is now suddenly responsible for the shooting is still alive ... he's on the loose running amuck in Yemen! He might be talking to other muslims on the phone right now as we speak! Hurry we need more euphamistic killings! More "anti-terror" air strikes! There will be more soon ... don't worry. Do you think thay'll go so far as to say that there have been bin Laden sightings in Yemen? No, they wouldn't ... well, they might.
I feel like a lone voice in the wilderness, i feel helpless, i cry for the poor people there who are going to experience more terrible war, i cry for the west that allows themselves to be lied to and decieved ... God help us all.
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You should be ashamed of yourself for being wrong. Shame on you.
Mr. Brown,
ReplyDeleteNobody loves you like America loves you, just so long as you mind your own business. I thank you for putting that together i had a hunch myself about the loose reporting by the media machine. It's 1984 stand up and take a look around. The public will back this play just so long as the gears turn long enough under the radar. once it is fine tuned and has some mysterious backing be it volume or time it will be rolled out and plated for the masses and we'll not look back. One good thing is that sales of pro-American stickers, t-shirts and flags will go up. the bad side is none of those things are made here anymore.
Keep sharp, KRUG