Thursday, May 28, 2009

Liberty or Death

... now that's the kind of passion that can really change something. Patrick Henry has been immortalized for expressing the very thing that a nation was feeling ... a nation of people who longed for liberty, a nation of people who had taken all that they would from a government that did not represent them. The colonists of the late 18th century considered themselves British and were incensed that the government of the nation that they thought themselves a part of refused to allow them to be represented and forced them to abide by the policies of a government that they had no voice in. That is where the idea of "no taxation without representation comes from" ... which brings us to today. I have a job and so i pay my taxes ... and i own a house so i pay a mortgage, and then the government of this nation gives my tax money to the mortgage company that made bad choices, i also have insurance on two cars and a house that i pay and because the insurance companies have made bad investment decisions my tax money goes to them too. So i say i want liberty! If there must be a government then i say it must represent the best interests of the people of this nation, not the best interests of international banking and insurance conglomerates who are owned by saudi princes (Fannie and Freddie). So i'm not sure that i'm quite ready for death, but we need to band together and stand up for ourselves ... so tune in for next time, i'm going to figure this thing out!

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