Monday, May 24, 2010

Vaccines Cause ... Healthy Children

It is Monday and that means ... well, lately it doesn’t mean anything, but it USED to mean that there was a new Pinko’s World post to read. And what do you know, here’s a new post to read.

I had to write about this, it is very close to my heart ... because I have children. Do you have children? Really? Awesome. So anyway, intelligent people have had their children vaccinated against terrible diseases for generations, schools require it, international travel requires it ... and it saves millions of lives (mostly children) the world over. This is how it works, a guy named Jonas Salk figured out that if you take some of the virus that causes polio and kill the cells and inject a little bit of it into a healthy person, that person’s body builds up a natural defense to the virus that has been injected in to them. It’s exactly like actually getting polio except that the virus does not multiply, because it is dead ... so the healthy person does not die. Genius and simple and world changing. So, research scientists set out to create all kinds of vaccines and have done so with amazing precision and results. It is one of the few true success stories of modern medicine.

That was until an idiot from England (coincidence?) came along and told everyone that he had done research and found that these life saving vaccines were the cause of autism. He published a paper in a medical journal and people the world over bought into the idiotic theory, which was presented as fact. Vaccination rates dropped and most notably measles, all but eradicated, broke out all over the developed world. An unvaccinated 13 year old boy became the first person in Britain to die from measles in 14 years. In the aftermath of this widely publicized medical hoax countless medical journals published the work of real doctors and scientists showing that there is no connection between vaccines and autism. The real science was ignored. Ex-doctor Andrew Wakefield is a pariah, a pariah who is willing to put his own fame ahead of the children of the world’s health. Praise God that Britain's General Medical Council, which licenses and oversees doctors, found Wakefield guilty of serious professional misconduct and stripped him of the right to practice medicine. By the way, Wakefield is not a researcher, he is not a vaccine expert, he is not an autism expert ... he is a gastroenterologist. Unfortunately, there are still people spreading his lies, most notably Hollywood actors, and if you get advice on how to keep your children healthy from Hollywood ... then your kids deserve better parents and you deserve to nurse a measles patient back to health. So let’s make it clear once and for all. Vaccines do NOT cause autism, vaccines do prevent deadly diseases. British doctors who make claims to the contrary are IDIOTS.
I asked at the beginning if you had children, because if you do then someone, somewhere has come to you and told you not to vaccinate them because your child will get autism, right? Well, next time someone does that please slap them so that they will understand that DISEASES kill children, and that VACCINES (composed of dead viruses, remember) DO NOT cause AUTISM.

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