Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Birthday = Inability to think?

So here’s a conundrum, if a democrat congressman resigns in shame after it comes to light that he groped male staffers, and that same congressman decides to bash the administration on his way out the door, can you believe a single word he says? I mean the guy’s a loon, but to be honest, he sounds like he’s telling the truth.

Quick review of the last couple of days, NJ women were hospitalized after paying a stranger to inject their butts with hardware store calk and Vaseline (sounds like a good idea to me), a Korean couple went to an internet café to play an on-line game where they nurtured a virtual child for 12 hour stretches at a time ... only problem being that their real infant died at home of malnourishment and neglect while they were out ... they say that they’re sorry (I say starve them to death in isolation), Dan Rather said that President Obama “couldn’t sell watermelons on the side of the road even if he had a state trooper stopping traffic for him” on national television (holy latent racism batman!), and there were a bunch more earthquakes which I’m sure Pat Robertson thinks are caused by secret devil pacts (Hawaii and Turkey, we’re on to you and your devilish ways!).
So that’s all on the news front, it’s been a slow week, what can I say. I could probably rant for hours on the whole Korean parents story ... or any of them for that matter, I just don’t feel like it.

Winky has had a funny couple of days ... after watching a couple of strong men break bricks, rip phone books and bend steel, she told me, “Hey Dad, those guys are strong like me.” She was completely serious. Today at school she slipped on a dustpan, smashed her head into the corner of a table, was sent to the nurse’s office and didn’t mention it to anyone. Her injuries were discovered when my wife found a note from the nurse in her school bag ... I asked her, “Winky, did you fall and hit your head today?”
“Yeah Dad, but it’s ok, I didn’t break the table.” She has a big lump on the back of her head and could not possibly care any less.

And in personal news I turned 31 today ... and I don’t feel anything about it, it doesn’t depress me to be 31, and I’m not excited to be 31. I do not feel compelled to buy either a motorcycle or a corvette, it feels like another day, like nothing will be different tomorrow, like I’m a day older rather than a year older. Frankly, I’m much more concerned with my impending baldness than I am with my increasing age. I refuse to try to hide or reverse the fact that I’m going bald, I’m just not sure how to embrace it with out looking bad during the in between time.

I realize that this post has been all over the place, but my brain is all over the place right now, I can’t seem to create a thought and see it through ... which equals really bad writing. So that’s my apology if you hated this post, but maybe it’s honest enough to have some value. Either way, we’ll be back to normal tomorrow with a quality Wednesday post for your reading pleasure!

Happy Tuesday and Happy Birthday to me.


  1. Happy Birthday and I enjoyed reading this post. Crazy news and Winky stories are always good reads. Elijah told me Winky is his best friend.

  2. And again I wish you Happy Birthday which is why I wished it to you on Saturday as well because I knew I would forget yesterday! And at least the table isn't broken!
    Reader #3

  3. That story about your daughter is the only thing that's made me laugh all day. Nurture and nourish that....the world needs more girls like yours!
