Monday, March 29, 2010

So sleepy!

Today’s post is brought to you by morons who think that Jesus wants them to kill police officers and then set off bombs at the funerals of the officers. Really? In case you haven’t heard, 9 idiots were arrested this weekend and charged with sedition (revolt ... kinda like “almost treason”) ... apparently these geniuses thought that they were preparing for the end days and their plan was to kill a few police officers and then bomb their funerals to start a war against the government. They had formed a militia and the most inclusive sphere on earth, the American militia movement, completely rejected these nuts a couple of years ago for being crazy. That’s the sign, in case you were wondering, if the militia movement thinks your crazy ... go ahead and check yourself in. What super spy equipment did the FBI use to catch these pillars of the community? None, the leader of the group sent out e-mails diagraming his plans to the members and they responded by e-mail and by talking in great detail on recorded phone lines. They deserve to be in prison just for that ... c’mon, that’s breaking the law 101, get it together you nut jobs. And yes, you read it right, the nine of them were going to go to was against the United States of America ... I’m sure that would have worked out great.

As an aside to all that, the group’s leader, David Stone’s ex-wife was called to testify to a grand jury about the activities of her former husband ... fellas, if you drive your wife to leave you by being a gun toting, bible mis-interpreting screw ball ... she will testify against you and ex-wives do not make good witnesses for the defense.

Second aside, all of the anti-government maroons selected to be represented by federally funded public defenders ... I guess the government ain’t so bad if you’re looking at life in prison.

And also this weekend, in apparent attempt to regain relevancy, Ricky Martin decided to announce something that we all already knew ... that he’s gay. I heard it on the radio and the first thought to enter my mind was, “Didn’t he admit he was gay 10 years ago?” Well, I looked it up. He did not. So, you were right when you saw the “Livin’ la Vida Loca” video and thought to yourself, “What’s that gay guy dancing with all those women for?”

And now it is time for the lightning round; the catholic church is under attack as investigations in the sex scandal cover ups now are reaching all the way to the pope (I’m completely shocked, aren’t you?), Greece went belly up and Germany floated the Greeks a “couple a bucks” to get them to payday ... which we’ll be doing for Germany when Greece proves unable to pay, the Somali Navy (pirates) has asked the international community for money to fight the pirates ... so they want money to commit suicide? And the country that the New York Times declared to be “fixed” with the accent to power of Laurent Kabila in 1997 (now spends his time in Paris counting the money that he stole from the Congo) was the sight of another massacre at the end of 2009. I’m just glad to see other people get along so well, way to go Zaire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo! Now if you pick one name, it’s way easier!

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. And yes, you read it right, the nine of them were going to go to was against the United States of America ... I’m sure that would have worked out great. Correction going to go to war not was. Nice article and yes when the crazies reject you, your absolutely bat shit.
