Monday, March 1, 2010

After experimenting with some personal stuff we get back to the NEWS

Today’s post is brought to you by Vice President Al Gore who today won the Nobel prize for sticking to your guns even in the face of irrefutable evidence that you are wrong. The research that “global warming” was based on has been proved to be fabricated, the scientist whose research provided all the projections of future catastrophes has admitted that the earth has not warmed at all since 1995 and the current winter filled with record cold and snow all over the world is not enough for Mr. Gore. On Sunday Gore had his response to all this published in the New York Times, he states that we should ignore all that “evidence stuff” and not miss the “climate change for the snow storm”, and idiotic play one the old expression “do not miss the forest for the trees”. The difference is that in the forest there are trees and in the snowstorm there is no climate change. Way to go Mr Gore, a captain should always go down with the ship ... sink away good sir.

In financial news, the Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has decided that he is going to continue to throw caution to the wind and print massive amounts of money. He has joined ranks with the President on this, the two men believe that there will never be another day of reckoning, that we can just live in irresponsible bliss for eternity. Of the many ways that an economy can be stimulated, our leaders have chosen increasing the money supply and inflated government spending as the way to go. And that will probably work out just fine ... right up until the value of the dollar collapses on the world market and the government goes bankrupt. Here’s the brief overview of those two concepts ... when the rest of the world decides that our currency isn’t worth the paper it is printed on, it will “devalue”and for a country that imports EVERYTHING this is a major cause for concern. If our money becomes worthless all the stuff we used to make here (that is now made all over the third world) will be so expensive that we can’t afford it. Imagine a $400 dollar Barbie doll, or a $600 pair of Walmart shoes. The government will go bankrupt when foreign countries and private banks decide to stop lending them money ... so that’ll be fun.

In global disaster news, Haiti is still in ruins and they’re having rain induced flooding, there is massive flooding in France and there was a 8+ Richter Scale earth quake in Chile (which prompted tsunami warnings all over the pacific rim). Pinko’s World tried in vein to reach Pat Robertson for comment. I guess he was busy, but we’re assuming that LOTS of countries made deals with the devil at their founding ... maybe all of them.

And finally tonight in insane genocidal maniac news, wartime Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, defending himself against charges of Europe's worst genocide since the Holocaust, told judges Monday he was not the barbarian depicted by U.N. prosecutors, but was protecting his people against a fundamentalist Muslim plot. He claimed that his actions (slaughtering over 100,000 Bosnian Muslims) were “holy and just”. He went on to say that the Muslims started it and so what else could he do but kill all of them to “defend his people”. Clearly he’s not a threat to anyone and is very remorseful. Wow! I hope that they don’t waste any time putting that loon to death.

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Do you think the Ants will help out our money supply? Reader #3 doesn't not want to be yelled at for ignoring spelling errors again! :)
