Thursday, March 11, 2010

Back by Popular Demand

And the Wednesday conversation with Winky returns! For those of you that are new to Pinko’s World, Winky is my 4 year old middle daughter. She has a unique combination of talents, exceptional verbal skills and what can only be described as “instant creativity”. If you want to get a feel for her style, scroll down and check out the old Winky posts.

Today i had to come home from work early due to some not so severe head trauma, the short version is that i’m tall and i wasn’t looking where i was walking and my head slammed into a truck that was up on a lift and i knocked myself foggy. So, after sleeping for a couple of hours, my lovely wife had to go to work and i made dinner for the girls. In between mouthfuls of lasagna Winky said to me, “Daddy, you don’t play with me all the time.”

Me - “I don’t?”
Winky - “Well, you do go to work a lot.”
Me - “Yeah, I know.”
Winky - “You should play with me more.”
Me - “Well, I’m trying to get paid for writing so that I can write for work and not sell tires and then I would be home more.”
Winky - “I can write you a song, would that help?”
Me (laughing) “It might.”
Winky did not pause for so much as ten seconds before she began to sing her new song ... as far as I know the first song she has ever written.

When the chicken crossed the road, a bear followed him,
The penguin chased the penguin,
The polar bear chased the squirrel,
When they have to go,
They have to go, go, go.

When the frog chases the cow,
moo, moo, moo
moo, moo, moo
The panda goes after the frog,
And the penguin chases the squirrel,
Wee-ha, wee-ha, wee-ha
And the moose didn’t chase his babies.
Taaaaaa Daaaaaaa!”

Me (again laughing) “That’s a great song buddy.”
Winky - “Daddy! I’m not done!”
Me - “oh ... I’m sorry, go ahead and finish.”
Winky - “a-hem ... Theeeeeee Ennnnnnddddddd! There, now it’s done”

So there you have it ... Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! But you posted this on Thursday and therefore, it should be Happy Thursday! It is Thursday right? Please tell me it's Thursday! On another note, you knock yourself foggy and then you come home and sleep for a couple of hours?? Have you heard of a concussion? Not suppose to sleep???? Geez...
    Reader #3
