Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Favorite Places

I was inspired by my lovely Wife's use of pictures and the post of a really good blog that i follow to include this. The blog post in question is about how wonderful cemeteries are, and while i do not necessarily think that all of them are wonderful, the cemetery in St. Remy, NY where my mother's family has been laid to rest is one of my favorite places on earth.

The front gate is just perfect.
It is quiet there, St. Remy, NY has about 15 houses, a church and a volunteer fire department ... and this perfectly serene old cemetery.

The grass is lush and green in the summer time, the grounds are kept up by volunteers, it is quiet and peaceful and calming.

I met many of my relatives there, my mother read me the names and told me their stories. Who they were, how we were all related.

My heart smiles thinking about it. I've only ever seen my Grandfather there, my sweet Gram is there ... it's where i go when i want to talk to them, to see them. So while i do not love all cemeteries, i do love the little cemetery in St. Remy, NY.

Click HERE to see my lovely wife's use of pictures and HERE to see the other cemetery post.

Happy insomniac Thursday!

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