Sunday, January 3, 2010

Not Pinko Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

So this is normally done by "normal" bloggers that talk about their kids and exercise routines and the things they eat ... an i have kids and i eat and i exercise ... and i don't blog about it. So that's why this is "Not Pinko Monday", like i needed an excuse to be sarcastic ... but i did need an excuse to refer to myself in the third person. And now i have one.

Clearly it was not the Pinko who found a way to be transferred from one branch of his company to another ... and even if he did this there is no way that he would be able to transfer back to the division that he started in 7 1/2 years ago. I mean no one is allowed to transfer without moving since we compete against each other in the market place, surely they would not let the Pinko transfer after all the years and training and success (and a few small catastrophic failures). So no, it was not the Pinko who got permission from his boss to pursue this, and certainly it was not the Pinko who verified before making this potentially career ending request that he had a place to land when the dust settled. Certainly the Pinko is so stupid that he would try the impossible without first putting all his ducks in a row, no one would be brazen enough to cross the line of demarcation without permission and then on top of that to skillfully use the false preconceptions of his superiors to get them to let him officially go and "talk" to the other side ... i'm sure that they didn't "know" i would be rejected. So no way, that was not the Pinko who did that and it is definitely not the Pinko who is starting his new job on Monday. Who's happy about it? Not the Pinko.

It was also not the Pinko who laughed "Ha Ha Ha" a loud and socially awkward laugh at the suggestion that the government was going to start following me because i keep predicting what they're going to do before they do it. I mean seriously the Pinko would not take such things lightly (and in not readers Monday news - It was not my readers who told no one about this blog so that no one would come and read it, it would not be my readers who were so thoughtful knowing that if more than 2 people visited this page the government might actually care what was in here.) So the Pinko is not at all thankful for his total lack of popularity. No, not him.

In other not Pinko news, it was certainly not the Pinko who thought it would be a good way to kill a couple of hours to take 3 children under the age of 7 to Barnes and Noble. I mean only an idiot would think that no books would be knocked over, thrown, ripped ... and who knew that they sold small stuffed Madeline dolls (the favorite of my youngest) At which point it was not the Pinko who tried to reason with a 25 month old child why the 4 Madeline dolls she had a death grip on could not come home with us. The little communist (Pinko Jr.?) was clearly thinking that "to each according to her needs" clearly applied since she NEEDED those dolls. So after dolls were pried from her clutches it was not the Pinko who bribed the tears away with chocolate chip cookies for everyone! It would not be sending a good parenting message to do such a thing and so the Pinko would not stoop bribery ... oh yes he would.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lol, now this was a funny post! BTW sorry about the above deleted comment I wrote my comment and realized that you were still signed in, so the comment looked like you wrote yourself a comment :) Anyhow, love you! XOXO

  3. first of all i'm sooooo tired of reading about excercise routines and diets.. i love reading about my comrades kids, but it's not the same with strangers(who me. biased?).. so yay on the touching on the weird blogging about nothing.i feel the same about online journals... aren't journals documents of private feelings? not something on the internet. call it waht it is:)
    congrats on taking a riosk and being rewarded for it. sometimes you gotta jump...and you;ll be suprised where you come up!yay!!! happy work! AND YOUR DARLINGS ARE ADORABLE!!! I can imagine the B&N trip and the bravery any parent takes with a bunch of kids in such a stimulating place:) cookies are like kid currency...and kids i think (i can speak for baby Corrie,and her 2 brothers)..kid's are down with the bribery... they know.

  4. i clearly need a typing lesson:)

  5. First I would like to be remembered as reader #3 to your incredibly funny most times over my head but source of my news blog. Second, how could you not give your 3rd child those dolls??? Geeeezz.
