Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesday Stuff

So today's post is brought to you by my good mood, the kind of good mood you get in when you spend your third day at your new job in a meeting recapping the performance of your predecesor and your peers from 2009. I love meetings in which i cannot possibly get yelled at! Hooray new job!

Ok, so thousands of you responded to my last post and of those there were hundereds and hundreds (or maybe it was just reader #3) of you that wanted to know how i could not give my youngest the Madeline dolls ... and the answer to that is that of course i could GIVE them to her i just couldn't BUY them for her. I'm not really sure that it's legal to charge $18 for a 4 inch high doll, but i was charged almost $3 for a cup of coffee at the same book store and $5 for a couple of chocolate chip cookies which leads me to believe that book store should stick to books, they are not very good at selling other things competitively. Seriously, i bought 3 hard cover books for less than one Madeline doll.

In moronic air travel news a Hawaiian Airlines Jet enroute to Maui landed in Oregon after a "disturbance" on the plane after take off. Not only did it land in Oregon, but it was escorted by two F-15's ... that's right, fighter jets! What sort of diabolical terrorist was threatening this plane? I mean if they couldn't catch a guy with explosives who tried to blow a plane up, if that plane did not get a military escort to the ground, this guy must have done something really awful. Right? I know, maybe they realised that Bin Laden was on board on his was to a sunny beach vacation. No. Maybe there was a large group of terrorists trying to take over the plane with guns. No. Maybe the Taliban was holding a strategy meeting on the plane and we had to stop then. No, actually it was an american-nonterrorist that caused the big fuss. What did he do? You're asking yourself, did he try to take over the cockpit? Did he attack the "Air Marshall"? No, he refused to stow his carry on bag. Here's the quote from "The Hawaiian Airlines jet en route to Maui's Kahului Airport turned back because of “a suspicious passenger who made threatening remarks and refused to store his carry-on bag,” said Suzanne Trevino, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Transportation Security Administration. " And she said it with a strait face. So let's make sure you have this right. You ARE safe from people not storing their carry on, but you are not safe from inept bombers. Hooray! The system works!

And tonight we close with global warming news. I live in Florida, lovely warm Florida where it is 26 degrees right now and has been cold all week. Today set a record cold temperature, the year that it beat ...1999. Wow, 2 record lows in 10 years, the earth must be warming! The ice caps are melting, the ice caps are melting, the ice caps are melting! The ice isn't melting, it's just moving to Florida because it found an affordable retirement community! And yesterday in Tennessee, where Al Gore is from, 5 people froze to death! F-I-V-E 5! All i know is if you're out trying to convince the world that man-made climate change is warming the earth and going to kill us all it makes you look like an idiot when you neighbors (in a southern state) are freezing to death. So my thoughts and prayers go out to them and their famlies and i have to wonder, how many more people have to die from listening to Al Gore before we throw him in jail? Seriously if you believed him you would throw out your jackets and blankets and remove you heater because you don't need them. People are still driving SUV's ... it'll be 300 degrees before you know it. All i know is that i had the heat cranking in my SUV today and there was ice on the windshield this morning ... so i hope that my choice of low gas milage vehicle warms the earth up soon because i'm really cold!

PS. we'll be invading Yemen soon. This week we evacuated our embassy staff so that they don't get hit with the bombs we're going to drop on the Yemeni countryside.

PPS Please comment so i know that someone heard the tree fall. Yes, you too reader #3


  1. Global warming isn't just about warming..ultimatly there is warming but first, everything goes haywire,and that includes it getting cold where it usually doesn't...just sayin... i've listened to Mr.Gore, think he has some decent points, but i don't need a documentary to know which way the wind blows.if we don't stop destroying the planet, it will destroy us. it's a huge problem that lots of folks refuse to recongnize this.

  2. Yay reader #3!!!! $14 for a Madeline doll??? did you ask them what they were smoking?? i'll be sure to stow away my carry on stuff so that I'm not surrounded by fighter jets, they really just wanted to stop in Oregon...SO much better than Hawaii!!

    from - reader #3...You know who

  3. Jail in oregon is WAY better that the beaches of Hawaii! Good choice!
